2019 & 2020

January 7, 2020 ☼ metaliferoka

Looking back…

2019 was a year of transition for me. The main event was that I went from being a civilian to a soldier. It wasn’t a smooth transition. I don’t think it would be for most people. Adjusting to a new pace of life and a regimented environment wasn’t easy, and I’ve gone through many challenges and rough patches. I was stressed at times and I often found myself getting easily annoyed at trivial things.

During this trying time, I tried to read as voraciously as possible. I was happy to find out that the army motivates and encourages us to read daily (we even have a dedicated time slot just for reading fixed into our schedule). Thanks to programs like this, I got to read more books than I did in a few years prior combined. It was a rewarding experience overall, but more importantly, it gave me peace of mind when I really needed some.

In the past couple of months, after I had fully adjusted and perhaps even thriving a bit in my limited environment, I was only looking forward to being promoted and become a squad leader. Those were my main motivators to keep pushing forward. But as of January 1st of 2020, I achieved both goals. At this point, I still have half of my service left. With no other motivating goals, I was lost and disappointed for a couple of days, which led me to some goal searching (+some belated new year resolutions).

So here are some of my goals and plans for 2020:

In terms of personal growth:

In terms of self-care:

Other stuff:

Some would say that my service is largely a waste of my best years. So, I don’t want to waste it. While at it, I want to become a better leader and a better person. It’s a bit cheesy but I’ll take this time to grow and become. I want my technical skills to be sharp enough to be hireable as a full-timer and my coffee good enough to open up a cafe. I’m not sure how I’ll turn out after my service ends. But when the time comes, in 300 days, I’m going to take some time to travel and look back on these days. Then, maybe I’ll know. Here’s to my 2020 :)